Everything I need
So I went out to pray with some friends last night and it was a deep time as always. It always floors me that meeting God is never what I'd expect it to be like... Sometimes when I meet Him I go with some sort of expectation like I'm going to hear about a particular thing but it is never what I think it will be. My expectation is always small picture and somewhere seated, at least in part, in selfish motivation. But His direction, invitation, and command is always big picture and never about me... His voice separates my spirit from the bondage of lies and burns His righteousness within my chest. Time with God is so refreshing. He lifts burdens off my shoulders and fills me with life and freedom giving me fresh sight. I want everyone in the world to know what I know deep within themselves, I want everyone to share a love relationship with God.
There are a couple of things that I continually hand over to God, everyday, otherwise I'll be prone to agonizing and scheming. Deep in my heart I desire purity, holiness, victory, and the fullness of living saturated with God's Spirit. I had a revelation last night when a friend asked me how I've met God... as my Father? as my healer? as my provider? as my husband? as my High Priest...? All I could say is that "everything I need He is." The revelation came because it is true, Jesus is the total of what I need.
Everything I need He is. Lord, help me remember this.
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