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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Fleshly images are lies! God's Spirit brings Truth! Pt.2

this is an audio post - click to play

The second commandment - If not a graven image what then shall we seek?

Saturday, September 24, 2005

The paper is done!

Oh what a joyous day, the painful task of writing is done. One more pin down and two to go (the exhibition mounting and defence)

Here is a chunk of it and the conclusion...

Constructed out of discarded boxes, paper, hair, and any variety of found objects these sculptures depict stripped down abject narratives. Figures and architecture are democratized and the boxes are not just stages for telling a story but have become equated within the narrative. In great western basement beer box dreams, the simultaneous simplicity of material and complexity of reading as a narrative ready-made create the pinnacle of abject experience within this exhibition. The beer box is walled with plastic mactac wood paneling, handmade dangling light fixture, faux marble floor, and cut out circular window that offers a view to a magazine image of a Hawaiian paradise. This construct creates a simultaneous rejection of craft as well as an acceptance of it. This sculpture, made out of waste, connects with memories of beer, basements, and dreaming of being somewhere other than where one is. The fantasy of a paradise is pathetically exposed as vain desire through the ripped out magazine image taped to the wall behind.

As in photographs, which can be explained as memory triggers, these sculptures explore notions of gaze and the tension between constructed fantasy and pathetic reality. In looking at an old photo album, the photos seen are simply objects patching into a memory sketch in the person beholding the object. The moment presented in a photograph has past and in essence, is dead, and the living image in one’s imagination, upon interpreting it, is an unrealized desire only existing in fantasy. These dioramas function similarly to my photographs in that they are aesthetically assembled of reclaimed objects, testify to the constructed image, and bear witness to memory like an old family photo might in their composition and associations with domestic narrative. Basements, kitchens, bedrooms, hallways, and closets are explored as sites of memory and abjection. Like one reads a photo and associates experienced time to reconstruct its meaning, so these dioramas make similar quotations on time, memory, and the simultaneous breakdown of both. A beer box is a basement; a basement is a milk carton; a milk carton is a closet; a closet is a cracker; a cracker is a stereoscope; a stereoscope is a stain on the floor; a stain on the floor is a smell; a smell is a memory; memory is self. These sculptures are constructed with the efficiency of minimal media positing profound, poignant, tales and pathetic portraits. The repulsive is made familiar and the ugly made beautiful when a beer box can speak volumes about the human condition. The self is seen in these sculptures in a kind of pathetic fallacy, be it through the gestalt of a lone figure in a corner of a milk carton or in a particular gesture of embarrassment held by a seven foot giant with garbage bag pants; one is brought to humor only to be countersunk with pity.

These works more closely resemble self-portraits in their description of my own neurosis regarding intimacy, exposure, and shame. Can one be repulsive and poignant? This is what makes the human experience so unfortunate - the inherent inability to be located, desirable, and honest while simultaneously being identified with the abject. Confronting self is like confronting a corpse; I am confused at what I see because of abject identity. I am relegated to ask again ‘Where am I’ and ‘is This it?’

Monday, September 19, 2005

online painting

So a friend of mine sent me this link where one can paint online, and it looks quite similar to actual watercolor. Very cool. I tried it out and painted a portrait of Maureen. To speed it up you can use the sliding speed button on the left of the image.


And... I also found something cool through YWAM Kona - it's a DTS (Discipleship Training School) with emphasis on photography as an evangelistic tool. What an amazing experience that would be... it's getting some wheels turning in my head about how art, images and creative expression, can be used to direct people to Jesus. I'd love to learn more about the mechanics of this kind of outreach. I'd love to get connected with anyone who knows about or has experience in that kind of thing.

Check it YWAM's photogenx program through the link below...

Friday, September 16, 2005

Photos are sent out for printing...


How does this make you feel?

I got an awesome price quote today for the exhibition photos! Yay! They will be roughly 50" squarish, drymounted on foamcore and framed with plexi and big, thick, black aluminum frames. Slick.

Fleshly images are lies! God's Spirit brings Truth!

this is an audio post - click to play

Listen here for the intro to upcoming blogs about the weakness of fleshly (human) understanding which seats itself in sensual lies, failing to satisfy, versus the incomparable strength of wisdom in Christ (heavenly understanding) which promises blessings to blow your mind that you may fulfilled and satisfied!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

I am a branch.

this is an audio post - click to play

The first experiement with an audio post. Click on the above button to hear a Saturday afternoon ramble about John 15.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The September Squeeze!

This scripture really spoke to me this morning.

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways," declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth, and making it bear and sprout, and furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; so shall My word be which goes forth from My mouth It shall not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." Isaiah 55: 8-11

So here it is, I have been battling anxiety regarding the upcoming weeks all the while simultaneously rejecting it under the promises that God has given me. I know deep in my understanding that God has placed me here at this specific moment and will not leave me to battle stress on my own. I know that His ways are not my ways and the worries I have today should be handed over to Him so that I can share the vision for His kingdom and not let it be eclipsed by my anxiety over worldly things.

It seems as though there is a rapidly growing list of things to do and I'm having a hard time culling which ones aren't of utmost importance at the moment. (My thesis work, currating my exhibition, planning my defense, time spent with students for Crusade, and all the other responsibilities sprouting up as September rolls on). Please pray for me that God will give me wisdom and Spirit led vision to accomplish what is required today.

He is awesome and mighty and caring, the all-breasted one, and I know his plan is for good.

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