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Monday, January 29, 2007

A summary of the year...

What happened in 2006 you ask? A LOT!
- I moved twice, I'll be moving again in April.
- I fully transitioned careers from artist to campus ministry (a fledgling professor to a missionary!)
- God and I raised all my support to get on campus in the first half of 2006. He surrounded me with a remarkable spiritual family and stretched my faith like a rubber band gripping a watermelon.
- I learned volumes regarding the power of prayer and fasting
- I bought a house with my parents (I mean... my parents helped me get a house that is being built this very minute)
- God brought me significantly deep relationships. My friends Amy and Jill are women of prayer, they are God's gift to me this year.
- I've traveled somewhere out of town nearly every month
- God brought Arno into my life... I'm speachless when it comes to him. Love is such a small word for the ocean of blessing swelling around and within us.

There have been surprises around every corner this past year. I've met insane highs wherein God plopped a blessing in my lap that was so unexpected, Arno is just one example, and there have been some lows where my faith and belief was deeply tested. I look back at some of the disappointments this year held and count them all joy because I know that Jesus' fingerprints are covering everything.

Looking ahead to 2007 - I'm elated, on fire in fact, for what 2007 will hold. I am blown away by what God has done in my life, proven by His work in and around me this past year. God is real, Jesus is real. He is living right now. I've seen that there are no boundaries in heaven or on the entire earth that can quench His love or overrule His authority.

New Years resolution - I don't really believe in them but I do have a serious "goal" that I would like to see accomplished this year. I would like to have Jesus' discipline of rest burned into my heart. I want to walk my life within Godly boundaries of work and rest, so feel free to hold me accountable.

Here is a photo of my best Christmas gift...

it's Arno.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

First post of 2007!

Click here to see some snapshots from the 2006 Western Winter Conference for Campus for Christ.

I had a blast emceeing with Brent this year... a fun time had by all. Arno even came and hung out with me in Calgary while I was there, I think that made my conference even brighter.

Now my mind is gearing up for this next semester but, I am taking this weekend to soak up some rest and relaxation with some family time, some prayer time, and some quiet reading time. I had some friends over last night for curry and after a significant time of sharing hearts we retreated to the family room to pray, sing, and worship together until three in the morning! Chanda, Amy, Jill and I... what a great way to spend a Friday night. Chanda eventually quit playing guitar once the rest of us started "sawing logs" on the living room floor. I know that I said making art with music playing is my favorite thing in the world but I think intercessory prayer and worship is tied for that. Maybe "worship" is actually my favorite thing then, in any form it takes. That makes sense I guess.

Oh, and here are pictures of this year's Christmas at my sister's house. I had three girls from my Korean bible study come as well as Heidi, an international student from Australia, come for Christmas. I don't think Christmas is long enough.

Christmas 2006

I know this is a scattered sort of post, I'll have more to offer next time! I'm mulling over "highlights of 2006 and expectations for 2007" for the next one...

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