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Sunday, June 25, 2006

Dancing in the fountain

If my feet could make noise tonight I think they’d be stepping about like trumpets. My heart is clapping with a ridiculous amount of joy…

Aren’t promises that are fulfilled just the best? This season God has told me He has told me to wait and be patient for a number of things and He has given favor to my obedience! As I've stepped back to let Him lead and waited for Him to open doors... He's blown my mind. I’m watching Him unfold promises before my feet in ways I would never have predicted. He has paved my path with bricks as I've stepped; each brick is a fullfilled promise that falls into place in His time and command. Sometimes the brick to support my foot only appears after I've stepped out and shifted my weight, in faith, that His that his hand will be there to support me. Hearing and obeying God's voice is the simplest and most powerful thing a person can ever do. He is authoring my faith in the deepest of ways, I highly recommend walking in faith as a lifestyle. Two thumbs up.

I’m seriously enjoying lush walks with God and a confetti of blessing is falling. What kind of promises have been flushed out you ask? Well He continues to usher in my prayer and financial support for my work on campus. Most recently, He has provided me with some really deep friendships just when He knew I needed them most. He has given me a studio space to paint in, which I longed for but never even asked for, and He is starting to pour images into me to paint and draw. He continues to open my ears to His whispers and peel away the scales from my eyes so I can recognize His kingdom here on earth.

There is something so intense about this time though. If you are moved to pray for me then please pray that God would focus me on Jesus' face and protect me from anything that would distract my attention during this season. Also, pray that His ministry would come to fullness through the images I'll create and that He would direct me in sharing them.

I was reading through John 4 again last night and fell in love with Jesus all over again while he was talking with the Samaritan woman at the well. He really loves people, He really sees them, and He really listens. He doesn’t just sit and passively listen but rather He listens with active purpose and meets real needs. His grace bridged the cultural gap, the gender gap, and the spiritual gap to meet that Samaritan woman right where she was. He demonstrated a human life perfectly connected to God's Spirit. I just love that we can come and drink living water from Jesus every day, all day, and never have to have this joy, the kind I’m experiencing, in Him fade.

God in the flesh, isn’t He beautiful? Who wouldn’t want to drink from the fountain of living water and walk in relationship with such a loving God?

Monday, June 19, 2006

Game six...

I got some tickets for game six of the Oilers Stanley Cup Playoffs! So I took my brother and it was the best game I've ever seen in my life. The crowd was so electric and the volume in Rexall was so loud that I could feel the crowd's chant pounding in my chest. The Oilers absolutely dominated the Hurricanes. Wow.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Take a trip down memory lane with me...

Okay, so I obviously don't remember this but stumbled across it tonight. It is of my mom and I just before going home from the hospital.

Bath time in the Smith house, Jordan and Natalie are helping mom bathe me. There is something so tender about my mom in these photos... I miss that warm patina kodak film carried. The film color is a kind of emotional director for me, it whispers "feel sentimentality here." I like it. I'm a fan.

I think this is circa 1985. "Hey kids, who wants to go to the Ala Wai Army Museum and pose on some missiles?" This was the same day Jordan discovered the horror of stepping on a giant pregnant cockroach. That cockroach incident scared us more than crawling over war machines.

And here is something totally random. This is a snapshot of Grandma Kay taking a picture of the grandkids with the "Chicken on the Way" delivery guy. I guess it was such a pivotal moment in family history that the moment itself had to be monumentalized with it's own photograph. Banal but curious, no? I'm partial to his vest myself.

Something I've always wanted has finally come true!

this is an audio post - click to play
If you are brave you can listen to my very first attempt at playing a mini accordion. I am determined to get better at it and pull it out at parties and jam sessions.

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