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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Me, the delinquent poster

Sorry for the long delay in posting. I have a good excuse, I got married. That's right, I have a new name, a new husband, a new home, but I feel pretty much the same. It is kind of like having a birthday, do you really feel a whole year older on the anniversary of your birth? Probably not.

I do, however, love the benefits of this fledgling marriage. I get to come home every day to my best friend. Arno is so handy around the house (he'll laugh when he reads this even though it's how I really think of him). He is compassionate, thoughtful, and is so gracious in correcting me if I'm being bad. Like the time I wanted to get mad at a cab driver and explain to the driver why I wasn't going to give him a tip while on our honeymoon in Hawaii. You'll have to ask if you want more detail. I will say this, Arno is so good for me.

Here are some photos from our honeymoon. We got married August 11 and honeymooned on Oahu, HA. It was two weeks of cocooned bliss, I didn't want to go home. We even got to stay an extra day because Air Canada had overbooked the flight and asked us to volunteer our seats. They gave us $600 US travel vouchers, a hotel, meal vouchers, and transportation costs for the extra day. What a gift! It happened to coincide with my birthday. I choose to believe that God gave me this birthday gift and I'm so grateful, it was an awesome "bonus" day.

Arno and I at the Polynesian Cultural Center. We had the weirdest feeling we were being watched when we posed for this. (sorry... that was a bad joke)

A photo of "Buffet 100" located in the Ward Center shopping mall. This dessert bar looks good doesn't it? Wait, you'll have to take a closer look. (see below photo)

Notice anything odd about this ice cream topping bar? That's right my friends there are 3 bowls of twizzlers, and double sets of twix, goldfish, pretzels, alpha bits, and raisins. The whole buffet was like this.

Don't worry, I have better photos somewhere.

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