So... I picked up the strategy board game "Settlers of Catan" this afternoon from a gaming/hobby store in St. Albert. And I got an invitation from the guy helping me find the game to come out to "gaming night" on friday nights. I guess that people from the community, aka "gamers", come to the store to play board games all evening.
Call me crazy but I think it could actually be fun. There is something I like about gamers, comic guys, roll players, and sci-fi fans. I think it is the unabashed relish of fantasy and their general embrace of the eccentric that draws me. I've met some pretty cool people who are hobby/sci-fi enthusists. And, I'd totally go to this games night but certainly not by myself lest I get picked up by a gamer, or rather I meet an uncomfortable pick-up situation which is entirely possible. I always feel like fresh meat walking into gaming/hobby stores... I can explain more if you care to ask me. Perhaps I can wrangle a friend to accompany me for a night of nerd fun. I mean this with the utmost compassion because deep down I'm a big nerd too.
I refuse, though, to dress up like Princess Leia or anything from Lord of the Rings. I will not play games wearing a light sabre, spok ears, buns in my hair, elvin jewelry, or anything remotely medieval.