Follow the link to check out some pictures I took at the first ever "Women's Campus Ministry Retreat" in Whiterock, B.C.
It was a relaxing weekend of bonding and training about rest and burnout. Women scattered around the western campuses got together to spend a weekend together, it was a lot of fun and VERY restful. We even went whale watching in Steveson but, we didn't see any whales so we each got a free ticket to go again (Vancouver Whale Watch has a "guarantee" policy that you get to keep going for free until you actually do see whales). We did get to see a whole host of other sea life including sea lions... man they smell horrible. I think they have the worst animal smell I've ever encountered. They actually smell worse than the New York Subway.
There was also this tiny little island, near Pender, on the coast that had a whole bunch of big horn sheep, goats, and tiny deer... all of which have had years to interbreed in complete isolation. It is kind of like a mini Island of Dr. Moreau with strange little horned animals running around. I guess Oakley owns it now and frequents it as a staff retreat center.
I kept falling asleep on the boat like I was seventy years old. I also kept eating. I couldn't help it. I had this bag full of fruit and goodies. The boat trip was an afternoon of snacking, napping, and watching the ocean like I was sitting in front of a giant t.v. I highly recommend whale watching if you are looking for a passive sea adventure that allows you naps.